सावधान सतर्क ध्यान : प्रिय लोगों, यदि कोई हमारे एनजीओ के नाम पर कोई दान या धनराशि मांगता है तो कृपया हमारे नाम पर कोई दान या धन न दें। उर्मिला माँ फाउंडेशन कभी भी किसी से कोई पैसा या दान नहीं मांगता है। हम स्वयं गरीब लोगों की मदद करते हैं।
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Urmila Maa Foundation Work

Our Foundation has completely based on feeding poors & making cities free from street beggars . It is a major curse for a society if its have beggars on their streets . The idea came when we were feeding few people one day , then we came to know & realise the hungriness . Small small children sitting on red lights & begging at the age of playing . This inspired us to start this initiative through Urmilamaa Foundation . Our Objective is to make cities free from street beggars .

A great cause & kind heart always ready to support these needy people. We appreciate our well wishers & welcome our supporters in this great mission for more successfully done. Today successfully we are feeding more than 1000 people every weekend . We believe that if we adopt at least one poor at a time then it will be our life achievement .

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